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Winter Reading Program

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About WRP #

Since its inception in 2022, the Winter Reading Program (WRP) has become an annual winter tradition. Organized by Math Club, ISI Bangalore, the WRP invites first and second-year undergraduates to delve into captivating mathematical subjects rarely covered in their coursework. Small groups, guided by experienced mentors (second or third-year undergraduates), delve into specific topics, uncovering applications and related areas. This program offers a straightforward and accessible entry into diverse mathematical realms, perfectly in line with the club’s mission. Join us in exploring the beauty of mathematics!

The Process #

The program spans approximately 4 weeks, with groups formed around broad topics. Participants are introduced to the topic’s scope, project plan, key resources, and communication platforms. Bi-weekly live meetings complement the WhatsApp/Discord groups for clarifications and member presentations.

The first week involves revisiting essential foundational concepts, followed by a focused exploration of the chosen topic over three weeks. After completing the WRP, members deliver presentations on the covered subject. Primary texts, carefully selected at the undergraduate level, are supplemented with secondary resources such as reference books, lecture notes, articles, and additional expositions as required.

How to participate #

Exclusive to B. Math students of ISI Bangalore, the project invites interested individuals to email with their name, WhatsApp contact, and chosen topic. Act promptly as groups progress, ensuring a smooth integration into the program. We’ll respond swiftly to your inquiry.

WRP Winter 2023
9 Projects | 4 Weeks | 9 Groups | 13 Leaders | 19 Participants
WRP Winter 2022
6 Projects | 4 Weeks | 6 Groups | 11 Leaders | 12 Participants