This a theorem which we claimed recently. The only if part is obvious, can you help us prove the if part?
\(\textsf{Theorem.}\) The math club will grow and bloom if and only if the students of ISIB participate actively.
You can contribute to the club in the following ways (This list will keep on increasing with more participation)
- Present Talks and Lecture Series. (The page will be activated soon)
- Send us problems for the fun and weekly problems sections.
- Posting Articles and Notes.
- Submit your doubts to us.
- Actively participating in the club activities (like attending talks, solving problems, etc.).
… and more.
For the first four activities, there are some guidelines and processes to be followed for ease of conduction. Click on the following links to access.
Submit Problems
If you want to submit questions for weekly contests, general collection on website or which are of puzzle type, it is highly encouraged!
Submit Doubts
Here are a few Guidelines you need to follow
Submit Articles and Notes
We encourage you to write articles and notes throughout your time at ISI.
Present Talks
Here are a few guidelines you need to follow.