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Submit Problems

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If you want to submit questions for weekly contests, general collection on website or which are of puzzle type, it is highly encouraged! We would love to have such puzzles and questions from you. However, along with the question, you should also have a solution ready.

Here are a few Guidelines you need to follow:

Guidelines #

You would need a typed (preferably \(\LaTeX\)ed) document with (if possible) the source file containing the problem and the solution to the question.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Try to be as descriptive as possible while writing the solutions and questions. For example, defining or referencing non-standard definitions or notations, avoiding unobvious step jumps, etc.
  2. After your document is ready, fill in the submission portal form with necessary details.
  3. Make sure to give us references or sources if any.
  4. After submission, we will go through the problem and store it for future usage. (Your name will be mentioned).
  5. If we see there is some unclarity in the question or in the proof, we will contact you regarding the same, so please submit an active email account in the form for this purpose.

If you are interested to submit a question for the website, fill the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.